This function is able to generate all the necessary files to run randomise with a GAM Model This script will write out all design and contrast files This function will run a f-test to compare a full and reduced model (a model with and without spline)
gamRandomise(image, maskPath = NULL, formulaFull, formulaRed, subjData, outDir, nsim = 500, thresh = 0.01, run = FALSE)
image | Input path of 'nifti' image or vector of path(s) to images. If multiple paths, the script will all mergeNiftis() and merge across time. |
maskPath | to mask. Must be a binary mask |
formulaFull | Must be the formula of the full model (i.e. "~s(age,k=5)+sex+mprage_antsCT_vol_TBV") |
formulaRed | Must be the formula of the reduced model (i.e. "~sex+mprage_antsCT_vol_TBV") |
subjData | Dataframe containing all the covariates used for the analysis |
outDir | output directory for randomise |
nsim | Number of simulations |
thresh | significance threshold |
run | FALSE will only print randomise command but won't it |
Return randomise command
if (FALSE) { subjData = mgcv::gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2) OutDirRoot="Output Directory" maskName="Path to mask" imagePath="Path to output" covsFormula="~s(age,k=5)+sex+mprage_antsCT_vol_TBV" redFormula="~sex+mprage_antsCT_vol_TBV" gamRandomise(image = imagePath, maskPath = maskName, formulaFull = covsFormula, formulaRed = redFormula, subjData = subjData, outDir = OutDirRoot) }